Work Flow Diagrams
The workflow represents the transferring of data, documents and tasks during the work. Often it is not easy to trace the path of a concrete task or a document. To make easier the study and analysis or working processes and for presenting them in a simple visual manner workflow diagrams are used. With the help of such diagram it is possible to see the path of the task in a workflow, the person who is responsible for its execution on each stage, which documents the task is accompanied by and which resources it needs. Knowing this it is possible to optimize the workflow and to discover weak points in it. Workflow diagram is a sort of flowcharts. Such diagrams consist of three types of blocks:
Graphic representation
Diagram element

Study, analysis or process

Decision making

Workflow start and finish
During the study and analysis the accuracy of decisions made earlier and the availability of all necessary information and resources for work continuation in a workflow are checked. Study and analysis are need for start of any working operation. For example before sending the ready production, the fulfillment of the product repayment terms, product intactness and completeness are controlled.
When the stage of study and analysis is complete the decision making is required. If the stage of study and analysis is complete successfully then the decision about the process start is made. If the above mentioned stage failed, than the blocking of a decision making indicates the point of the workflow where it is necessary to return and to repeat actions for reaching the result which allows to start the process. The making decision block has two outputs- YES and NO. If the task can’t be solved unambiguously, several conditions are studied and analyzed and there are several decision variants, than several consecutive decision making blocks are applied. Answers to all questions of each block lead to necessary actions.
After making a decision, the process representing the totality of events starts. If the negative decision is made, the workflow may be stopped or even the return in a workflow may happen.
For building a workflow diagram it is necessary to create a list of all processes constituting the working process so that connecting them between each other with blocks of study and analysis and block of decisions making to obtain the complete picture of the workflow.
Here below an example of a workflow diagram of getting and payment of an account for electricity consumed by an enterprise.
The received account is checked by an enterprise power engineering specialist to control its correspondence to enterprise electricity consumption report. Then a decision on signing the account by the enterprise power engineering specialist is made. If the account data correspond to the report data the account is signed, otherwise it is necessary to get the new corrected payment account. Further the account is signed by the enterprise accountant general, who makes a decision on signing the account relying on the presence of the power engineering specialist sign and the enterprise financial statements analysis. After the account is signed by the accountant general, it is signed by the enterprise chief who makes a decision on the account signing and payment relying on the presence of signs of the accountant general and power engineering specialist and current financial priorities of the enterprise.

Thus the workflow diagram built correctly and competently may represent any workflow in your company quickly, clearly and visually.